E-BoP Journal Club #16 – Labour Migration Policies and Agriculture

On 19 December 2024, our monthly Journal Club discussed two documents dealing with migration policies and the exploitation of migrant workers in agriculture: a journal article entitled ‘The agrifood-migration nexus: migration regimes and the politics of labour shortages in Italy and Sweden’ by Alessandra Corrado, Lucio Pisacane & Cristián Alarcón Ferrari (2024) and a report […]

The influence of the law on seasonal migrant women’s experience of reproductive injustice in Huelva (Spain)

Workers on a farm in Huelva, Spain

by Audrey Deverson The agricultural sector is often characterised by the temporality and seasonality of its production, its significant need for labour during production peaks and the high degree of precariousness of working conditions. It employs an increasing number of temporary migrant workers, and temporary labour migration is constantly expanding (also) within the European Union. […]

One of our PhD Students at the conference “(In)justice reproductive”

Our PhD student Audrey Deverson recently presented her paper Droit et injustice reproductive: le cas des migrantes saisonnières (Law and reproductive injustice: the case of seasonal migrant women) during the Conference (In)justice reproductive, hosted at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord (Paris, France) on 28 and 29 November 2024. During her presentation, Audrey […]

Exploring the experiences of au pairs in France and Ireland

In the scope of the E-BoP project, our PhD candidate Catharina Lopes Scodro explores the experiences of au pairs in France and Ireland. Despite both countries being Member States of the European Union and members of the Council of Europe, France and Ireland are not subjected to the same common instruments – the Researchers’ Directive […]

E-BoP Journal Club #13 – Global care chains and intermediaries in care labour market, by Parreñas et al. (2022) and Matuszcyk et al. (2019)

In September 2024, our monthly Journal Club discussed two pieces of research delving into debates regarding domestic and care work: ‘Global care chains’ by Gianne Sheena Sabio, Kritika Pandey and Rhacel Salazar Parreñas (2022) and ‘Private Labor Market Intermediaries in the Europeanized Live-in Care Market between Germany and Poland: A Typology’ by Simone Leiber, Kamil […]

Online Seminar on the Australian reform of temporary migration

On 12 September (10AM Paris Time) we will be (digitally) welcoming Kate Golebiowska to discuss the recent reform of temporary migration in Australia. Kate is a Senior Research Fellow at Charles Darwin University in Darwin (Australia), who has worked on the intersection of immigration policy, economics, and social structures and their influence on migrants’ economic […]

E-BoP Journal Club #3 – The Right Not to Stay. Justice in Migration, the Liberal Democratic State, and the Case of Temporary Migration Projects (Ottonelli and Torresi, 2022)

On 11 May 2023, the EBoP team dove deep into some of the key questions surrounding the debates on justice and migration, namely immigrants’ right to stay and the concept of migration temporariness more broadly. Centered on the notion of immigrants’ agency, The Right Not to Stay offers a new perspective by arguing that not […]