Precariousness and migration

The two doctoral students from our team, Audrey Deverson and Catharina Lopes Scodro, are jointly developing a paper on the use of the concept of “precariousness” in relation with labour migration. They presented the first results of this research at the European Society for Empirical Legal Studies conference in Elche (June 2024) and the 22nd […]

Archival Legal Research (and au pairs)

Author: Catharina Lopes Scodro Since decades, legal research has been changing. From looking to instruments to embracing people’s perceptions, it is increasingly incorporating social sciences methods to unpack interactions between law and society. With this post I wish to share my own experience of the, small but surprising, impact of bringing these methods to legal […]

Back from our first Summer School

From 1 to 4 July 2024 we ran our first Summer School. 10 participants and 8 speakers got together at the Institut du Travail (Labour Institute) in Strasbourg, joined by several local researchers from the Labour Law team and beyond. The topic of our Summer School was “Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the legal […]

E-BoP workshop on qualitative research

On 26 June, the E-BoP team organised a workshop on Qualitative Research Methods, was presented by Catharina Lopes Scodro, one of our PhD researchers. Catharina has recently followed several trainings and worked on preparing her theoretical framework for her own fieldwork, comprising interviews, covering au pairs working in both France and Ireland. During her presentation, […]

One of our researchers at the workshop “Digital Intermediaries in Domestic and Care Work”

From 02 to 03 May 2024, our PhD Student Catharina Lopes Scodro attended the workshop “Digital Intermediaries in Domestic and Care Work” organised by Eva Kocher (Europa-Universität Viadrina) and Lorena Poblete (CONICET – Universidad Nacional de San Martín). The workshop took place at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law in Oñati (Basque Country/Spain), […]

One of our researchers at the Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods

Between 08 and 12 of March 2024, one of our PhD Students, Catharina Lopes Scodro, attended the Oxford Spring School in Advanced Research Methods 2024, in the course Qualitative Methods 1 – Interviews & Fieldwork. Organised by the Department of Politics and International Relations of the University of Oxford, the Spring School was an excellent […]

An EBoP researcher at the Annual Conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA)

Between 26 and 28 of March 2024, one of our PhD Students, Catharina Lopes Scodro, participated of the Annual Conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA), organised at the University of Portsmouth (UK). She presented her research “Disputes on the discourse of labour migration in au pairs’ European legal documents”, investigating the use of a […]

PhD Opportunities in European Labour Law

We welcome expressions of interest from potential PhD students with an interest in the broader research area of European Birds of Passage. We are happy to support suitable applications for the ITI MAKErS PhD Contracts. The deadline of this year’s call is 14 June 2024. The 3 year award will commence on 1 October 2024. […]

E-BoP seminar on statistics and data analysis

On 20 February 2024, our colleague Justyna Hejman-Mancewicz presented the Seminar “Statistics crash course: Introduction to data analysis” at the Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace (MISHA). In the two-parts seminar, she presented the main introductory concepts to data analysis – related to types of statistical data, relationships between data, key statistical concepts […]