E-BoP Journal Club #13 – Global care chains and intermediaries in care labour market, by Parreñas et al. (2022) and Matuszcyk et al. (2019)

In September 2024, our monthly Journal Club discussed two pieces of research delving into debates regarding domestic and care work: ‘Global care chains’ by Gianne Sheena Sabio, Kritika Pandey and Rhacel Salazar Parreñas (2022) and ‘Private Labor Market Intermediaries in the Europeanized Live-in Care Market between Germany and Poland: A Typology’ by Simone Leiber, Kamil […]

E-BoP workshop on qualitative research

On 26 June, the E-BoP team organised a workshop on Qualitative Research Methods, was presented by Catharina Lopes Scodro, one of our PhD researchers. Catharina has recently followed several trainings and worked on preparing her theoretical framework for her own fieldwork, comprising interviews, covering au pairs working in both France and Ireland. During her presentation, […]

E-BoP Journal Club #10 – Migration Control and Access to Welfare: The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway (Karlsen, 2021)

On 19 March 2024, our team got together for our tenth journal club dedicated to the book “Migration Control and Access to Welfare: The Precarious Inclusion of Irregular Migrants in Norway”, by Mary-Anne Karlsen (2021). Through an ethnographic exploration, the author investigated the dynamics between the Norwegian welfare state, immigration policies, and irregularised migrants. Within […]

E-BoP Journal Club #4 – Labor movement, (Bauder, 2006)

On 13 June 2023, our monthly Journal Club debated the book “Labor movement: How Migration Regulates Labor Markets”, written by Harald Bauder (2006). The book is divided into two parts: the first presented the main theories to explain the how migration regulates labour markets, while the second brought an overview of the labour migration contexts […]