The two doctoral students from our team, Audrey Deverson and Catharina Lopes Scodro, are jointly developing a paper on the use of the concept of “precariousness” in relation with labour migration. They presented the first results of this research at the European Society for Empirical Legal Studies conference in Elche (June 2024) and the 22nd Nordic Migration Research Conference (August 2024) in Bergen.

Their paper develops a systematic literature review on the use of terms connected to precariousness in the context of the scientific literature on labour migration. This is to highlight the conceptual scope of these terms, as well as the different components of “precariousness” identified by the literature. To do so, they gathered definitions and parameters that have been used by scholars regarding migrant workers’ experiences of precarity.  This conceptual research connects both their PhD projects, which touch on different aspects of precarity in the sectors of agriculture and domestic and care work.