On 12 September (10AM Paris Time) we will be (digitally) welcoming Kate Golebiowska to discuss the recent reform of temporary migration in Australia. Kate is a Senior Research Fellow at Charles Darwin University in Darwin (Australia), who has worked on the intersection of immigration policy, economics, and social structures and their influence on migrants’ economic and social participation. While the Australian legal order lies outside of the scope of E-BoP, it has received consistent attention in the discussions surrounding temporary labour migration.

Because of this, and of our own scientific focus, Kate’s presentation will focus on temporary (labour) migration. She will discuss why the reform was deemed necessary by the government; the specific temporary migration streams that the reform is addressing; community concerns and what outcomes may be expected when the reform is complete. This will be followed by a discussion with the E-BoP team and, of course, with the participants to the seminar.

The seminar will be held on Zoom and the link for (mandatory) prior registration can be found in the poster below.