EBoP poster presentation during the IRVAPP Advanced School on Methods for Impact Evaluation

Our postdoctoral researecher, Justyna Hejman-Mancewicz, presented her research at the “Advanced School on Methods for Impact Evaluation” event organised by the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP) at the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, in Venice (Italy), between 22 and 24 January 2024. The event gathered graduate students and researchers in applied […]

Working in agriculture: between seasonal and displaced labour

Audrey Deverson, presented her paper “Trabajar en la agricultura: entre trabajo estacional y trabajo desplazado” during the II Congress of AIDAM at the University of Girona, Spain on 14 and 15 December. Her presentation focused on the influence, both positive and negative, of European Directives on seasonal work and posting of workers on the precariousness […]

Subcontracting in the agricultural sector

On 23 and 24 November 2023, Marco Rocca, our PI, participated to the international conference “Externalisation de l’activité dans l’agriculture” (Subcontracting in the agricultural sector) organised in Bordeaux by the COMPTRASEC research centre. He presented some reflections on the EU legal framework for posting of workers in light of some recent cases of widespread violations […]

(In)visibility of women migrants and the EU Directive on Seasonal Workers

Brochure conference Bilbao

On 20 October 2023 Audrey Deverson presented her paper “Perspectiva de género y migración temporal de trabajo: el caso de la Directiva 2014/36/UE” at the 1ª Sesión del Grupo Permanente de Género y Política (Universidad de Deusto) in Bilbao. In her presentation, Audrey focused on the application of an intersectional gender perspective to the European […]

Visit of Professor Tonia Novitz

On 13 October 2023, our team had the pleasure to welcome Professor Tonia Novitz (University of Bristol) in Strasbourg. On top of her own outstanding qualities as a researcher, Professor Novitz is part of the Advisory Board of European Birds of Passage. Her visit provided a great opportunity to discuss the results of the first […]

Dynamics of au pairing: presenting a literature review

Catharina Presentation - Budapest - 2023-09-21

On 21-22 September of 2023, Catharina Lopes Scodro participated to the II Annual Scientific Conference (ASCEA) of the Central European Academy, in Budapest (Hungary). She joined the panel “Discrimination of Workers and Protection of Worker’s Rights in Cross-Border Employment within the EU”, where she presented a paper focused on the investigation of the dynamics of […]

Our team landed in the LLRN6

Conference Panel LLRN - 2023-06-25

25 June 2023, Warsaw From 25 to 27 June 2023 our team participated of the Biennial Conference of the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN6) in Warsaw, Poland. The Conference reunited labour law scholars from different countries, and was a joint organisational effort of the Law Faculties of Warsaw and Łódź. Our principal investigator, Marco Rocca, […]