On 20 May Marco Rocca, our PI, took part to the conference EU Cross-Border Service Provides In Harmony with the Law, organised by the European Mobility Institute. Marco was one of the speakers in the session discussing posting by temporary work agencies and transnational hiring out of workers.
While the conference focuses on the practices of posting and aims at providing valuable insights for professionals involved in the legal aspects of these practices, the research done in the context of E-BoP was right at the centre of these discussions. Notably, the ever increasing overlap between the topics of migration and posting of workers, due to the growing phenomenon of intra-EU posting of third country nationals, was showcased by the ongoing (and soon to be decided) case C-540/22, which drew the attention of the public and of the speakers.
The same case also demonstrates the importance of the concept of the “access to the labour market” and, therefore, of the legal definition of the “border of the labour market”, a topic which represents one of the two main strands of research that we develop at E-BoP.